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Living Hope Ministries

Would you like more information about Jesus and your eternal destiny?

Lion & Lamb: Oil Painting by Jeannie

We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions or would like more information about our ministry and our services.

You can reach us at LIVING HOPE MINISTRIES:

Phone: (810) 679-3537
Or send us an e-mail.

E-mail Rev. Jeannie

The Bible says we have no promise tomorrow. Have assurance today that you will one day join the ranks of Heaven!
We are living in dark and difficult and dangerous days. Once we die we can no longer make a decision for God and we will find ourselves in a very real heaven or hell. The choice is ours while we are ALIVE. Even if you do not believe it now, ask yourself what if what I am telling you is true? Even demons beleive and tremble. They know hell is real.
Many are afraid these days but you can have peace. Here is a prayer to say aloud that will secure your place with Jesus in heaven. It is a GIFT to you from God. You have the option to receive or not. You can be mad, call yourself and atheist, say you have power through some other means but truthfully, there is no other way to heaven but through Jesus Christ. It is beyond frightening to die without making a commitment to Jesus. Once that happens there is no way out. Hell is the worst possible torment and no one on this earth can comprehend it's darkness, and horror. Jesus died on the cross FOR YOU to prevent you from losing your soul!  I have personally known those who have died and been revived telling of what they saw on the other side. It is no accident that you ended up on this page. Say the prayer below and watch what Jesus Christ will do for you. His love for us is beyond anything we can humanly conceive. Rich, poor, sick, healthy, we all face eternity and the power of the supernatural has become a popular subject. It is because we have a God shaped spiritual hole. We can hate God, mock him, worship fat little men, build alters to animals and trees, fill ourselves with witchcraft, fortune telling, buddism, new age, muslim or whatever, but none will take you to heaven but the Son of the Living God, Jesus Christ. Truth is truth belive or not.
Lord Jesus come into my heart. I ask for your forgiveness. I am truly sorry for all of my sins, past and present, and future. I ask You Father God that they may be covered by the precious blood of Jesus Your Son that was spilled out for me. I believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe that He was crucified, died, was buried, and on the 3rd day He rose again! I renounce Satan, all his cohorts, and every evil work from this day forward and forever. Jesus I make you Lord of my life right now and ask that you will lead me, for I am now a child of God, forgiven and cleansed from all unrighteousness, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

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